Does Time Exist?
This is a follow up to my previous blog post . The question raised there can be also stated as "so, when does the consciousness exist?". And maybe the most logical (I mean, you should take it with extreme caution), and surely the most shocking answer is — nowhen . Or, if you will, in some specific dimension of no particular significance otherwise. In reference to the previous blog entry, given a minimal set of subsequent TM states necessary to create the consciousness event, we might say that the set of states is conscious , period. No matter of the physical mechanism of their appearance, and its properties, like its speed. Admittedly, this seems absurd, and raises the obvious follow up question: "how is it possible that consciousness can exist without the time flow? Isn't it necessarily perceived within time moments?". I propose to reverse the question: why does our mind create the perception of the time dimension so differently than of the spatial dimensio...